Friday, July 18, 2008


Blogging in a vacuum is no fun.

Back in my high school heyday I had a LiveJournal, and I can guarantee that as much of a grade-school vibe that website had, it got way more traffic and commenting than this little corner of the web. I had a bunch of friends that did the same, and it was always much more fun to read what they had to say than blab endlessly by myself.

Which is what I've pretty much been doing on Blogspot. Yeah... Not exactly what I had in mind.

I'll keep this place updated occasionally, so that you three-or-four readers know what's going on with everything. To be honest, aside from the little Youtube project I'm working on, there's really nothing to report.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

By the way-- The Dark Knight kicked serious ass. GO SEE IT. Seriously.

I'm serious.

<3 "Iggy"


Ray Ho said...

those were simpler times (comparatively), my friend. simpler times.

I read!

Ray Ho said...

plus, it helps with keeping in touch, since you're out in that mysterious abyss/ether that swirls around new york city (what lies beyond the rivers, we sometimes wonder?).