I was eating with a few good friends at a dim sum buffet in Chinatown in San Francisco yesterday, when my cell phone rang. It was a (310) number I didn't know. Immediately I knew that could only mean one thing: Hollywood was calling.
I sprinted outside into the crowded street, and answered just before it went to voicemail. Just like that, a woman (who didn't actually introduce herself) told me I'd been offered a part-time job as production assistant on a new reality TV show for VH1. It was the job I'd applied for two weeks ago by sending in my resumé-- and they were finally calling back.
I'm going to work Sundays, again twelve-hour shifts, for $120 a day.
The show is a dating "boot camp" where eight women live in a house together and learn from a professional matchmaker about what men want. I'll go ahead and say the name of the show-- it's called Tough Love, produced by Drew Barrymore. When the action starts I obviously won't be able to blog much about the specifics. There are several pages of confidentiality agreements I need to sign. I feel like I'm joining the FBI.
So all in all, a minor success. I got a new job-- for one day a week. Most of the other PAs are full-time. Meh. I have almost no experience, so it makes sense.

I also hooked up with my old friend All About the Hamiltons over the break, who's a full-time film student at San Francisco State. He's about to start shooting a new project, and we both want me to be involved somehow. Right now it looks like I'm going to be the assistant director! Unfortunately my Sunday gig might be a pretty serious conflict, so this might all go down the crapper. Bleh.
If you ever get a chance to take a drive up PCH, take it. It's literally the world's best road. California beaches are beautiful.
And that's the word, for now.
1 comment:
holy crap!!!!
that's so wonderful. i'm freaking excited for you.
maybe this one isn't full time, but the next one could be.
congrats man, you deserve it.
and it is the world's best road. hands down.
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