Saturday, July 11, 2009

july 17th... why, that's next weekend!!

Okay, so remember my post about being an extra on 500 Days of Summer?

I mentioned that the director did a shot where the camera seemed to be pointed right at me.

Well, yesterday I managed to get a sneak peek at The Scene that I was in. I'm not linking it because I'd rather not spoil anything, but there IS a link out there, if you really look hard enough.

And yup -- I'm in it. For two stray seconds, I'm in the movie, in my band uniform, with my saxophone, getting my dance on. Marc Webb and company basically used two quick shots of the band, and I was in one of them: the close-up shot.

Hell to the yes!!!


I had a couple very quick reactions when I first saw the clip. First came the inevitable "I'M IN A MOVIE, OMFG". Then it quickly switched over to "I'M IN A MOVIE IN MY BAND UNIFORM... OMFG?"

But then I realized without that uniform, I'd never have been in this movie. So you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater, as they say. Unless you're Andrea Yates. I'm not even going to link that one either, you'll have to look it up.


All of this to say... go see My New Movie on July 17th when it hits theaters in limited release!

Also, if you would, make sure to call Fox Searchlight and let them know how much you enjoyed the performance of the alto guy in the marching band. If they're interested, you can refer them to my blossoming IMDb page. I also have a resume available.

Anyone? No?

(Tangentially -- wouldn't it be awesome to get a credit for 500 Days of Summer on my IMDb as "Alto Guy #1"? I should look into this.)

1 comment:

bonnie said...

you win the award for most random and morbid reference in a blog entry.