Anyway I'll keep this one super brief, and hopefully talk about some more interesting stuff than how I spent two hours today setting up tables, chairs and popups for lunch.
Day seven was filmed at a local "hospital". It was really more like a block of medical offices than a real hospital, although we had a bunch of extras dressed like doctors who made it look otherwise. Ms. Cho was back on-set that day (oops, I said no names didn't I?) so we PAs were charged with keeping her happy. But she was already happy, so our job was done!

My favorite part of the day was watching the first scene-- where the main character's grandma has to hitch a ride with some bangin' Latinos in a low-rider, so she busts out with all-Spanish jive talk. Just like the scene in Airplane.
The actress who played Grandma was so nice in person, it was too weird to hear her talk about "bitches" and "ese's" and "scrapes", which due to my whiteness I didn't even understand. (a scrape is a lowrider fyi)
Oh yeah and that day, I officially got a job offer from Key PA. If I keep up the good work, he's going to bring me on with him for his next project-- as a fully paid production assistant.
Yes, the one was necessary. I'm still frickin' elated.
Day eight of work came three days after day seven. The way our schedule works is this: we shoot Saturday through Wednesday, twelve hours a day, and then take Thursday and Friday off. On Wednesday everyone says "TGIF", and on Saturday everyone asks how your weekend went. It's very weird. But I'm getting into the rhythm and it kinda works in an off-balance sort of way.
The first thing we filmed was a main character (I won't say which one) getting hit by a car. It's played for laughs, so don't worry-- there weren't fake bodies and pools of blood. Unfortunately. What we did have was a stunt double, Simon Rhee, whose resume is incredible. He worked on Charlie's Angels, Rush Hour 3, Blade, Tropic Thunder, Heroes, 24, Collateral, and Escape from L.A., to name a few.
He seemed like a pretty intense guy. I didn't really talk to him, but I don't think anyone else did either. And when the car hit him, and he flipped through the air, it was coooooooool.
Day eight was spent in a parking lot outside the Galleria at Wilshire, using the lowrider from day seven (as the homies were dropping Grandma off at a wedding), and a limo (for the bride and groom of said wedding).
I met a new PA intern, a kid from Temecula who is already leagues better than The Fellow Intern. His voice cracked at the end of the day and I called him Peter Brady... the name stuck and now everyone on set calls him Brady (or Brady Bunch). I'm proud. I gave a nickname. When was the last time you nicknamed somebody? hmm?
Day nine we hung out in the same parking lot. Sunday. The big deal that day was the arrival of our product placement car: the Hyundai Genesis. I'll take a moment for you guys to ooh and ahh at the beautiful new Genesis.
oops, I mean
Just kidding. Don't fire me, corporate Hyundai overlords.
Here's my thought for day nine. There was a big flat-screen TV over the entrance to the mall. It showed ads for Quantum of Solace constantly throughout the day. After about the fifth time, I knew every action sequence and crappy, self-aware Bond quip by heart.
My question to you (readers? hello? ...bueller?) is whether or not I should actually shell out twelve bucks and go see 007 in theaters. It looks entertaining enough, but I bet there are a few better movies I could see instead.
Yeah, that was pretty much the day. I left early and missed the next day of work for a midterm.
But I already booked my next gig, so it doesn't matter how much I miss from here on out! It's official: I found my first "in"!
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