Monday, October 20, 2008

scattershot entry #1

Okay, I need to write a post today. I just haven't thought of what to write about yet.

-Sarah Palin was on Saturday Night Live this weekend. She was funny, in the same way that a fat guy in a Cinderella costume is funny. Sure, you laugh when he runs around shouting "Where's my carriage?! It's almost midnight!!!", but you probably wouldn't turn around and elect him vice president of the United States.

-Tina Fey honestly deserves a Nobel Prize for her Palin impression. She single-handedly made McCain's running mate into a national punchline, and in doing so, probably saved the country.

-Here's a nice way to kill five minutes: Winterbells

-As long as I'm getting political, let's talk for a second about Proposition 8. If you're a "Yes" proponent, and you think you have a shot of passing this proposition, you're crazy. Liberals own this state. Whether you like it or not, the "religious right" simply doesn't have the power that it used to-- at least not in California. So all your clever arguments about the specific wording of epistles written in Biblical times are falling on deaf ears. Gay people aren't going to lose the right to get married. It's 2008.

And don't even get me started on that commercial with the little girl who says "I can marry a princess! I learned it in school today Mommy" Aside from being extremely manipulative, that commercial misses the point entirely. It's not about what kids learn in third grade-- it's about the right of two people to enter a legally binding marital contract, in order to receive the same benefits that all married couples have. It's not even about religion. It's a matter of state. It's separate-- or should be, anyway.

Don't make it illegal just because your book says it's wrong.

(By the way, I do believe in the Book. I just don't think we have to force everyone else to follow it.)

Whew! That was fun. Let's move on to something lighter, huh?

-Rolling Bomber Special (Warning. This video is extremely awesome, and extremely Japanese. Also, I had no idea what the hell was going on at any point of this video, so there's that)

-I really wish I had a MacBook. I'm seriously considering taking out an extra student loan and buying one. Comment if you think I should do it.

-Think I'm going to take out a Netflix membership this year. There are a lot of great movies I need to watch, and I actually have time to do a little of that this quarter. I've never subscribed to something like Netflix on my own before... it's still a little bit strange being an adult. But I can afford it, so damn it, it's going to happen.

Okay, that's probably enough for a good post. Nothing to report on the "Quest" front, so I'll sign off here.


Emily said...

i'm insanely glad you mentioned that, about prop 8. i can't even stand those commercials. ridiculous.

tina fey is amazing- i can't believe how perfect she is as palin.

and yes. do netflix. you love movies, and that would let you see new ones all the time for much cheaper than renting normally.

do it. :)

bonnie said...

tina fey is brilliant. that's all i have to say.

p.s. amen on prop eight! the commercial about kids is ridiculous, closed-minded, and manipulative. i can't believe people actually believe the stuff they're being spoon-fed. ri-freakin-diculous.

Ray Ho said...

oh, to be registered in California to vote. I'll do that one day.

and I want to have tina fey's babies.

and yes, I think a macbook PRO is worth it. don't get the macbook, as shiny and metal as it may be. just shell out the extra few for the pro and it'll last you longer, work better for movies and whatnot. altho, if you plan to do any video editing, I'd say get a desktop... the pro might be powerful enough if you pimp it out. my film roommate used his laptop for that stuff.

not to mention if you get the new one, I will be insanely jealous.

Anonymous said...

Huh, I always thought you had to have a blog to comment on this...interesting.

As for material relevant to the entry...I got nothin'. =P